So, perhaps I'm not yet what one may call a "blogger". There are like bazillion blogs these days, right? I certainly have a ways to go. But, really, over the past few months I haven't had much to blog about. Life is life. I'm not involved in anything new. I don't have passionate opinions on politics or anything that I would want to blog about! So, this blog is for me. To reflect. To think. To dream. To journal. To put my life into words.
I'm putting "blog more" on my resolution list for 2009. We'll see how I do!
Overcoming...fear, worry, sin, old self, the world. Becoming...beautiful, renewed, Christ-centered.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
One Year
For one year I will be living with five other young women in a house. We're keeping the walls company, and helping to pay the mortgage, while the house's family goes to Thailand for a year of missionary work. I don't need to move out of my parents' house, nor do I need to spend a few hundred dollars a month on rent, but they needed to rent out their house and I love to help meet needs! I also enjoy an adventure and living with other women, so I signed up! I'll be moving in next week. It will be the first time that I completely "move out" of my parents' home. When I was away at college or living overseas in Italy, I left many things behind. My bedroom was still "mine" even when used as a guest room during my absence. I think that room will always be mine, but it will no longer have any of my stuff in it! While the thought of gathering everything together and moving it out is overwhelming, I'm hoping it will be a good opportunity to organize and even purge excess "stuff".
This housing opportunity is one of the few solid commitments that I have in my life right now (outside of financial commitments like my car, school loan, and cell phone payments). I will be living on 88th Street on a beautiful, quiet wooded lot for exactly one year. So, what will happen in a year?
I have made no verbal or written time commitments for either of my part-time jobs. I would like to stay at each for at least a year. (My resume could certainly benefit from it.) That would put me at Starbucks until November 2008 and at College Park until February 2009. And since I will be definitely living in Indy until June 2009, it seems that I"ll stick with my jobs until then as well. Time will tell, of course. The random schedule that results from two jobs can be exhausting. It would be nice to work at church and then work somewhere else with set days and times, rather than Starbucks, which is different every week. Sometimes I open (5am), sometimes I close (12 or 1am), sometimes I work during the day....needless to say, it's hard work just keep up with when I work!
Okay, so the whole reason I started writing was to talk about somethings I would like to pursue during this season. I'm not going anywhere, so what I can do while I'm here?
1. Pursue Language Learning
a. Become fluent (or at least much more conversational) in French
b. Continue practicing Italian
c. Learn basic Spanish
d. Yes, 3 languages!
2. Pursue Photography
a. Continue practicing and re-learning exposure
b. Learn Photoshop
c. Begin discovering, developing, and refining my own style
d. Purchase my own super cool DSLR
3. Improve My Financial Situation
a. Pay off my credit card debt (Goal: Sept 2008)
b. Have at least $1000 in savings, then maintain and increase that amount (Goal: Dec 2008)
c. Increase my school loan payments
d. Save money for a vision trip in 2009 (AFRICA!!!)
This housing opportunity is one of the few solid commitments that I have in my life right now (outside of financial commitments like my car, school loan, and cell phone payments). I will be living on 88th Street on a beautiful, quiet wooded lot for exactly one year. So, what will happen in a year?
I have made no verbal or written time commitments for either of my part-time jobs. I would like to stay at each for at least a year. (My resume could certainly benefit from it.) That would put me at Starbucks until November 2008 and at College Park until February 2009. And since I will be definitely living in Indy until June 2009, it seems that I"ll stick with my jobs until then as well. Time will tell, of course. The random schedule that results from two jobs can be exhausting. It would be nice to work at church and then work somewhere else with set days and times, rather than Starbucks, which is different every week. Sometimes I open (5am), sometimes I close (12 or 1am), sometimes I work during the day....needless to say, it's hard work just keep up with when I work!
Okay, so the whole reason I started writing was to talk about somethings I would like to pursue during this season. I'm not going anywhere, so what I can do while I'm here?
1. Pursue Language Learning
a. Become fluent (or at least much more conversational) in French
b. Continue practicing Italian
c. Learn basic Spanish
d. Yes, 3 languages!
2. Pursue Photography
a. Continue practicing and re-learning exposure
b. Learn Photoshop
c. Begin discovering, developing, and refining my own style
d. Purchase my own super cool DSLR
3. Improve My Financial Situation
a. Pay off my credit card debt (Goal: Sept 2008)
b. Have at least $1000 in savings, then maintain and increase that amount (Goal: Dec 2008)
c. Increase my school loan payments
d. Save money for a vision trip in 2009 (AFRICA!!!)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
One of those very long days...
Today was one of those days that seemed to go on forever. I worked both jobs today and that always seems to be the most exhausting. Let's many hours did I work today? 5 at church and 8+ at Sbucks. Yikes.
I got up at 7:15 to walk with my Mom. The Indianapolis Mini Marathon is this Saturday and we're signed up! I was going to walk/run it like I did last year, but Mom wants to walk it and doesn't have a partner. I also haven't trained quite as well I would have liked, so walking is just fine with me. Unfortunately, that means that 13.1 miles is going to take forever, but we'll have fun. And who knows who we'll meet along the way!
Anyway...back to today. Tuesdays are Staff Meeting days at church. I like Staff Meetings. It's not your typical meeting with an agenda, tedious group decision making, or boring reports. We usually sing a hymn or two to begin and then are led in a short devotional over a portion of scripture. There are usually announcements and updates from different areas of ministry within the church. Then the meeting concludes with sharing prayer requests/praises and praying for those needs. I almost leave staff meetings with tears in my eyes. Good tears. Today I was crying and my heart burdened as I heard prayer request after prayer request for family and friends who were sick and dying--several who don't know Jesus yet. And there was a memorial service for a man killed while serving with the Army in Iraq. I thought of my friend Brett who was killed in Afganistan three years ago while serving there with the National Guard. My heart hurt again for the loss of my friend and today for this other man's family.
I hate death and disease. I hate war. I hate cancer. I hate SIN. Sin is ultimately the root of all pain and suffering. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross! Thank you for giving me and everyone the opportunity for new life in You! Yes, we may experience hardship during our lives on earth, but You are our Comforter! And when this life is over, whatever way it will end, those who truly know You as their Savior will live forever, worshiping you in heaven!
I am often overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions during staff meetings. The thoughts above are common. I am thankful when my frustrations with earthly struggles (like sickness or challenges of relationships) lead me to be frustrated and angry with sin. And not only sin in the world, but sin in my own life. Only when I truly despise the sin in my own heart, can I be purified and made more like Christ. Oh, that is what I desire! Lord, make me like You!
Working at Sbucks brings out a lot of my sin. It's so easy for me to be kind to people that I like, that are easy to be with and to work with. It's sooo much more difficult for me to be patient and kind with those people who aren't quite so easy to love, who are annoying or socially awkward or who just rub me the wrong way. I want to love everyone, be patient and kind, and live out all of the fruits of the Spirit all of the time. sigh. I am thankful that God is working in my life and allowing me opportunities to see areas of my heart that (still) have room for improvement. I know that I will never "arrive", for I want to always be "working out my salvation with fear and trembling."
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. --Philippians 2:12-13
Oh, how I wonder what His good purpose is for my life! (but that's another day's post...)
So, yes, today was long. I had a headache most of the day and could not stop yawning all morning and afternoon. I began my 8 hour shift at Sbucks at 3:30 and even though it was so long, I got to work with great people and felt pretty good about my 2nd close as a shift supervisor.
I want to wake up each morning with hope--with eager anticipation of what the Lord will have in prepared for me that day, to serve Him and be blessed by Him. I don't usually think like that and I should. What a great way to start the day!
So, I will end my day praying for tomorrow. May Christ be glorified in my life on Wednesday and always.
I got up at 7:15 to walk with my Mom. The Indianapolis Mini Marathon is this Saturday and we're signed up! I was going to walk/run it like I did last year, but Mom wants to walk it and doesn't have a partner. I also haven't trained quite as well I would have liked, so walking is just fine with me. Unfortunately, that means that 13.1 miles is going to take forever, but we'll have fun. And who knows who we'll meet along the way!
Anyway...back to today. Tuesdays are Staff Meeting days at church. I like Staff Meetings. It's not your typical meeting with an agenda, tedious group decision making, or boring reports. We usually sing a hymn or two to begin and then are led in a short devotional over a portion of scripture. There are usually announcements and updates from different areas of ministry within the church. Then the meeting concludes with sharing prayer requests/praises and praying for those needs. I almost leave staff meetings with tears in my eyes. Good tears. Today I was crying and my heart burdened as I heard prayer request after prayer request for family and friends who were sick and dying--several who don't know Jesus yet. And there was a memorial service for a man killed while serving with the Army in Iraq. I thought of my friend Brett who was killed in Afganistan three years ago while serving there with the National Guard. My heart hurt again for the loss of my friend and today for this other man's family.
I hate death and disease. I hate war. I hate cancer. I hate SIN. Sin is ultimately the root of all pain and suffering. Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross! Thank you for giving me and everyone the opportunity for new life in You! Yes, we may experience hardship during our lives on earth, but You are our Comforter! And when this life is over, whatever way it will end, those who truly know You as their Savior will live forever, worshiping you in heaven!
I am often overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions during staff meetings. The thoughts above are common. I am thankful when my frustrations with earthly struggles (like sickness or challenges of relationships) lead me to be frustrated and angry with sin. And not only sin in the world, but sin in my own life. Only when I truly despise the sin in my own heart, can I be purified and made more like Christ. Oh, that is what I desire! Lord, make me like You!
Working at Sbucks brings out a lot of my sin. It's so easy for me to be kind to people that I like, that are easy to be with and to work with. It's sooo much more difficult for me to be patient and kind with those people who aren't quite so easy to love, who are annoying or socially awkward or who just rub me the wrong way. I want to love everyone, be patient and kind, and live out all of the fruits of the Spirit all of the time. sigh. I am thankful that God is working in my life and allowing me opportunities to see areas of my heart that (still) have room for improvement. I know that I will never "arrive", for I want to always be "working out my salvation with fear and trembling."
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. --Philippians 2:12-13
Oh, how I wonder what His good purpose is for my life! (but that's another day's post...)
So, yes, today was long. I had a headache most of the day and could not stop yawning all morning and afternoon. I began my 8 hour shift at Sbucks at 3:30 and even though it was so long, I got to work with great people and felt pretty good about my 2nd close as a shift supervisor.
I want to wake up each morning with hope--with eager anticipation of what the Lord will have in prepared for me that day, to serve Him and be blessed by Him. I don't usually think like that and I should. What a great way to start the day!
So, I will end my day praying for tomorrow. May Christ be glorified in my life on Wednesday and always.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Beginning Again
I think that I will begin posting my thoughts and what's going on my life on the internet again. I haven't even looked at this blog (my own blog!) since the last time I posted. It's been almost a year and SO much has happened since then.
I may go back and talk about then, but here is a look at now.
I feel settled; content. I have two jobs that I actually enjoy. (What a blessing!) Some weeks I work too much. My schedule is crazy and inconsistent. I live at home. I love my parents. I love my church. I love my Indy friends. I have no idea what the future holds, but I'm living for Jesus today and know that He will direct my paths. Sooo good!
One of my jobs is...drum roll a Barista at a very famous and oh-so-popular coffee establishment. Yes, that one. That's the job that makes my schedule ridiculous and also dictates when I work at my other job as a Ministry Assistant at my church. Working both places (while exhausting at times) provided a great balance to my work life and allows me to use lots of different gifts and talents and serve God in different ways!
Well, speaking of work...I have to be there at 4:45am tomorrow to open the store and serve beverage to the caffeine addicts of north side Indianapolis. Off to bed for me.
I may go back and talk about then, but here is a look at now.
I feel settled; content. I have two jobs that I actually enjoy. (What a blessing!) Some weeks I work too much. My schedule is crazy and inconsistent. I live at home. I love my parents. I love my church. I love my Indy friends. I have no idea what the future holds, but I'm living for Jesus today and know that He will direct my paths. Sooo good!
One of my jobs is...drum roll a Barista at a very famous and oh-so-popular coffee establishment. Yes, that one. That's the job that makes my schedule ridiculous and also dictates when I work at my other job as a Ministry Assistant at my church. Working both places (while exhausting at times) provided a great balance to my work life and allows me to use lots of different gifts and talents and serve God in different ways!
Well, speaking of work...I have to be there at 4:45am tomorrow to open the store and serve beverage to the caffeine addicts of north side Indianapolis. Off to bed for me.
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