
Monday, February 22, 2010

Life Update: The Job Hunt & Making Decisions

I've been back in the States for almost three months now. It feels like a long time to me, but others keep telling me that it really isn't that long. As I mentioned in a previous blog, culture shock has been minimal. Overall, I think my transition home has been great. I'm helping out with the high school youth group again, I slipped back into my Sunday morning small group, I've reconnected with friends, and I even found a French club here in Indianapolis (to prevent me from losing my language skills and to be brave and meet new people). On the other side of the "transition" is my current stage of life, which, much to my dismay, allows me to really relate to my high school students. The situation: I live with my parents, I don't have a car, I don't have a job, and I don't have any money. Sigh. It's like I just graduated from college. (Except I had a plan then!)

Here I am. Asking the famous question: What do I want to do with my life? Ultimately, I would love to live overseas and help take the gospel and Christ's love to the nations. Right now though, I want to be here. So, I'm looking for a job, not a career, but something that will pay the bills (and hopefully pay off student loans), allow me to use some of my skills, work with nice people, and have my evenings and weekends free to live life. I want to keep taking classes at church (the current class is Apologetics) and even take some art or graphic design classes at the local college. I feel like this is a great time for personal development and I believe that Indianapolis, with my family, friends, and church, is a great place for it.

The Job Search Update:
When I look at my resume and compare it to "Job Requirements" I find online, I get discouraged. I've done so many different things! But, I haven't stayed in one type of job or one company/organization for more than two years. Since the beginning of January I've been applying for various jobs that I've found through job search engines. I've either received emails that say they filled the position or I've heard nothing. In the past few weeks the search has seemed more promising. I have a temporary work opportunity for March that I learned about through friends at church. Then, I got a phone call from a babysitting client saying he knew of an opening at his office. Two days later, I went in for a long (2.5 hour) interview! It sounds like I've got the job, but I still don't know anything about the salary (and there are no health benefits). The people are nice. I met with each person who I would work with. (I would be the assistant to a team of people.) Their concern for me is that I'm overqualified and that I would get bored. It's a job. I'm not necessarily looking for excitement, but does make me ask myself again: What am I looking for? Do I take this job (assuming the pay is sufficient)? Do I keep looking? This is a tough time to be searching for a job. There are lots of jobs out there, but there are even more people looking for work.

Do I really trust God with my life and His plan for me? Do I really believe that He will provide for me and all of my needs? I want to make the right decision. I want to honor God with that decision and in how I live my life each day. And I wonder, can I mess this up? Or can I just decide and go with it, knowing that God is with me? I'm praying for wisdom and guidance, and ultimately that comes from knowing Christ more. That's the goal. I'm so thankful that God loves me, not for my job or what I do, but just for me.