
Thursday, July 14, 2011

wait quietly

Trust and wait are still my theme words for this season and I get excited when I see that God has provided me with a new resource to consider more deeply these words and their application in my life. Currently the sermon series at church is on the Psalms. The Psalm writers often talk about trusting in the Lord and waiting on Him, so it's no surprise that the sermons preached on Psalm 78 and Psalm 23 touched on these topics. I was challenged to consider some familiar words of scripture in new ways and encouraged by the Truth that our Heavenly Father is completely worthing of my trusting and waiting. He is in fact a very good Shepherd. If  you would like to listen to either sermon, go here.

Each morning in my inbox is a daily devotional written by Elisabeth Elliot. Ms. Elliot has been one of my favorite Christian writers since high school. She's real and honest about her walk with the Lord, her own struggles, and the truth of God's Word. God has used her books and devotionals to teach me so much about His love and what it means to be a woman of God. This is what she challenged me with recently...

Wait Quietly

Few of us enjoy having to wait for something we want. It is human nature to desire instant gratification, and it is divine nature to do many things very, very slowly. Growth is always imperceptible. But the farmer exercises long patience in waiting for his crop. He has done his work and is assured of the result, hence he waits quietly. He is at rest because the outcome (barring disastrous "acts of God") is certain. If we could simply remember that this is true of everything--that God's purposes are slowly being worked out for his glory and our good--we would, like the farmer, keep faith and wait quietly.

Lord, take from us all fretting and hurrying and teach us to rest our hearts in the "ultimate certainty" (Jas 5:7 JBP). 
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Source: A Lamp For My Feet
Scripture Reference: James 5:7

What is God asking you to wait quietly for?